Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What chocolates can't do, music can..

Yeah, it was one of THOSE days. The day when all you want to do is call in sick from school, lie under the covers for the rest of your life and keep convincing yourself that your life's utterly miserable and fruitless. Yeah " those " days. I won't say I was a VICTIM of The Day. A voluntary victim would be more befitting. There are times when I feel that I've been happy for many days at a stretch, and that maybe being down in the dumps would be a good change for my system. Weird ideologies are me. They are the basic building blocks of my existence.

So, I woke up this one fine morning ( which, I were to realsie later, is not so fine afterall) and felt a sudden wave of self-pity washing over me. I can't even comprehend where it came from ! It just came, made me miserable, and turned a normal day into The Day. I resorted to my all-time favorite mood- up lifters : Friends. I picked up the phone in a haste, dialled the wrong number three times and gave up, frustrated. Maybe talking to equally weird people was not on the cards. So instead, I settled for the next best thing, that is, chocolates. I had three bars of Cadbury Classic, felt like throwing up, and gave up on the idea. Guess it wasn't meant to be. And then it struck me. Viola ! MUSIC.

So basically, it goes like this. I could be the worst singer you've ever come across, but I know the lyrics to EVERY song by heart. I can't strum the guitar without bruising my fingers, but I'd be the first one to point out when you've got the tune wrong. So I turned to my momentary life saver. I switched on my laptop, went through the folder named ' Favorites ', queued them in the playlist and settled down with yet another comforter, coffee.

I'm still awestruck by the way music can change your mood. IT could make you feel happy, miserable, resentful, self- pitying, and a lot more. I specifically listened to songs which gave me a well-deserved chance of blaming random people for the despondent me. When I was convinced that I had blamed possibly every breathing person in the entire world, I turned off the laptop, picked up my NCERT books and a rug, and settled in the balcony. I had that silly smile on my face. The kind of smile you have when you feel like an achiever, no matter how insignificant the feat may be.

The conclusion : Life's not too bad when you've got people to blame it on. ;)