Saturday, April 10, 2010

Those five fireflies who light up my life

There are moments in your life when you cherish having certain people as a part of your otherwise insignificant existence. When you take time out and thank God for those invaluable gifts he bestowed upon you in the form of friends. When you look at those crazy, random and occasionally weird people and feel your eyes going moist, because you know it's too short-lived. I just gave my Class X Board Examinations. Post the completion of the exams, I heard these conversations of switching schools going on all around me. The conversations did not scare me. Instead, they left me confused. I was unable to comprehend as to WHY someone would want to switch schools, when you are studying in only the best school in all of Chandigarh ?! I concluded it was something only a Non-Med or Med brain could work out, not a Commerce one. I decided to leave it all to fate. And so far, so good. :D
We, that is, me and my group of friends, went to the Sukhna Lake yesterday. The cool breeze, the breath-taking view and the still water, with waves rippling over it as if they were crystals, everything made me think. Like, REALLY think. What next ? A sleepover or a day-out scattered here and there throughout the course of the year wouldn't satiate my desire of being with my friends ! I always used to await those 15 minutes of break-time, when we would sit in a small circle in the school grounds and talk about every random topid we could manage to bring up. With such a vital part of my day missing, I don't know what could possibly keep me going ! Anyway, I'd like to keep my childish whims aside, and wish them all the luck in their lives.

I hope you all succeed in every endeavour you undertake, even if it involves changing schools, groups or states. And yeah, nevermind me. I'm just being me. Just know that I love all you people with all my heart, and wouldn't want anything omnious to befall you. Amen to that !

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